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Jargon-busting Glossary of Guttering Terminology

There are often times when we are asked for something by a customer and there is a moment of confusion until we match the name a customer uses for an item with the way we refer to our products. Neither name is more correct, but we've put...

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Need Help Selecting Cast Iron Roof Outlets?

The benefits of selecting Cast Iron roof outlets As cast iron is inherently strong it is the ideal choice for load-bearing applications. The crystallised nature of cast Iron means once installed these components resist damage even in exposed areas such as those...

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Metal Rainwater systems – Compare the ranges

METAL COMPARISONS No matter which metal rainwater system you choose, all systems offer exceptional ‘life time’ value for money, are recyclable with a low carbon footprint. Although metal systems will cost more initially, every metal guttering range will out last...

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What are Hoppers for?

Hopper Heads When I have asked architects what a hopper head is for, I get answers such as-: “They are for ornamental effect.” “So you can get more than one pipe to run in to one drain pipe.” The above is true, but completely misses out on their true purpose. A hopper...

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General FAQs

How long should my gutters last? Are metal systems easy to fit? How many downpipes should my gutters have? Why are there so many metal systems to choose from?

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The advantages of steel over plastic

The advantages of steel over plastic are becoming increasingly obvious In an industry often driven by price Rainclear Systems, online retailer and the UK’s leading distributor of metal guttering and downpipe products, has not compromised on quality. In contrast to...

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Improved Colour Coating on Galvanised Steel Gutter Systems

Galvanised Steel is a great product for gutters and downpipes, it doesn’t fade so its stylish looks are long-lasting. And now Rainclear Systems’ Steel Gutters, downpipes and fittings, designed and manufactured by Zambelli in Germany, come with the new ‘robust’ colour...

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Fixed those Gutters?

Your house needs you! Unfortunately, the best time to check for leaks and overflows in gutters and downpipes is while it is actually raining. National Maintenance Week is coming up in November and this annual awareness week always ends with National Gutters Day - this...

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