At Rainclear Systems we are passionate about getting you the right product at the right price for your project and at the same time taking the environment into consideration.
That is why we recommend our galvanised steel rainwater management systems for Agricultural and Equestrian builds, or upgrades to the guttering and downpipes on your current farm buildings/barns/stables, when it comes time to replace them.

The galvanised steel systems are available as:
- 120x75mm generous box profile gutter with round downpipes in 80-100mm diameter
- 150mm half round profile gutter with 100mm round downpipe diameter, and a NEW innovative sandwich roof panel bracket (in addition to the standard fascia board, or rafter bracket options)
- 190mm half round profile gutter with 100mm round downpipe diameter, and a NEW innovative sandwich roof panel bracket (in addition to the standard fascia board, or rafter bracket options)
The uncoated galv steel is stunning, but the robust colour coated option offers better protection – both in environments near the coast, and against the effects of cow urine!

Key features:
- Durable and sustainable. 100% recyclable at the end of its useful life.
- They’ve been the popular choice in Europe for many years, unlike uPVC, which has been the default choice in the UK since it (along with concrete or asbestos!) replaced Cast Iron in the 60’s.
- Galvanised steel does not crack or warp like plastic guttering. Due to its lower coefficient of thermal expansion and being considerably less impacted by heat and cold that can increase the potential for deformation of the gutter leading to leaks at the joints, and the inevitable water damage to the building and its foundations.
- The galvanising process adds a coating of zinc molecules which is sacrificed to create self-healing coating/patina which protects the steel core material.
- Lightweight, and just as easy to install as plastic.
- Less maintenance/Lowest initial outlay and lowest long-term cost (of any metals) most affordable of the metal gutter systems
- Galvanised steel gutters are stronger than a uPVC equivalent meaning they can hold more water without sagging.
- Our Infinity gutters are 20% deeper than other steel systems and so provide better flow rates in heavy rain.
- Galvanised steel guttering can be infinitely recycled and is always likely to be recycled. Not only is it a simple process to recycle, but as scrap metal, steel will always have a value.
- The colour coating on Rainclear’s galvanised steel guttering will NOT require repainting; the polyester topcoat is UV and scratch-resistant, so together these should last 25 years and come with a manufacturer’s warranty of 15 years.
- Steel has an excellent lifetime value and, unlike its plastic counterparts is recyclable*.
Buying steel gutters can leave you with a clear conscious knowing you are doing the right thing for the planet.

If you don’t find what you are looking for or have questions, please call our friendly, knowledgeable team on 0800 644 44 26 or email [email protected].
- Request more information, a phone call to discuss your project, and/or a sample gutter length to take a look at the quality and robustness for yourself.
- Download the pricelist to get a feel for the costs (but we can do a ‘take off’ for you from architects drawings – if you have them – and give you a free quote for all the components you’ll require).
- Or visit to browse and shop the range for yourself right now:
We are told in plastic guttering marketing that PVC plastic guttering can be recycled (although it can only cope with it approximately eight times) but no one can guarantee that it will be recycled once it reaches the end of its life. With no scrap value, it could end up being sent to landfill to inevitably break down and add more microplastics to the environment. Whilst you can specifically hunt for, and buy guttering that claims to contain recycled PVC, all steel contains up to 25% recycled material as standard.
[Recycling | Steel (].
Galvanised steel guttering can be infinitely recycled and is always likely to be recycled. Not only is it a simple process to recycle, but as scrap metal, steel will always have a value: because of this, in the UK, 87% of constructional steel is recycled, 10% is reused and only 3% goes to landfill.
[Steel recycling – Galvanizers Association (].
Currently, in order to make galvanised steel guttering, in the majority of cases a coke-fired furnace must be used. In burning fossil fuels like coal and coke, greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere; this increases levels of CO2 and other gasses, and contributes to global climate change. However, it’s worth noting that fossil fuels are also used in the creation of plastic guttering.
There’s also a brighter future for galvanised steel production, as the coke-fired furnaces ARE now reaching the end of their lives, at which point they ARE due to be replaced by cleaner hydrogen-fuelled furnaces.